SJW Fitness Trend Series: Awakenings Pole & Aerial Fitness


Hey gang - I’m back for my final installment of my Fitness Trend Series (but don’t worry, I’ll be back with more for our next season). Now, when I say I saved the best for last, I mean it - I went pole dancing! Me! I know, hard to believe right? I am definitely not the best pole dancer because of my hip dysplasia, but I had an absolute blast and I know you will all get a good laugh out of this one. Pole dancing and aerial fitness is an insane workout - I was working muscles I hadn’t used in so long. The studio is great, the instructors are so friendly (shoutout to Heather, the owner!) and make you feel comfortable even if you are no pole dancing pro (aka me). I left feeling empowered and I proved to myself again that age is only a number and you are never too old to try something you think you could never do, even pole dancing. I think everyone should try to break out of their comfort zones at least once a month - you never know what opportunities you are missing. Awakenings Pole & Aerial Fitness is the perfect place to do just that. Get some friends together and go let out your inner vixen (while getting an amazing workout).

Book your class HERE!

While we are taking a break from our fitness series we would LOVE to hear about where you want me to visit next season. Is there a killer class you’ve been doing? Something new and unusual? Let us know!

Sandy Weston