Ugly Feet Journey

Hello to all my friends from around the World,

I am back from Thailand!!!! What an incredible journey, simply amazing. I have so many stories, I don't know which one to tell first. I met the most fascinating people and experienced so many wonderful sites that I could just blog forever about a different one. But I am going to take some time to digest everything and since I already started this blog, let's continue on with the ugly feet blog.

Just so happens that I did some great stuff for my feet while I was in Thailand. Thai massage, as you can imagine is off the chain there and not to mention extremely affordable. You can get them almost anywhere and foot massages are available right out on the street. When I was touring one of the most famous streets in Bangkok, Kaoson, my friends and I got one of the best foot massages, so relaxing and invigorating. Shout out to Robert, Elena, Rachel and Louise, my new friends I met in Thailand and who I was willing to show my feet. There we were, eating, drinking and shopping with people from all over the world and we just stopped off for an incredible massage. Then we did something really fun, we put our feet in a pool of fish called the garra rufa fish or the “ doctor” fish. It tickles like crazy but they eat all the dead skin off your feet and legs.

Imagine sitting with a bunch of people from all over the world, most whom don't speak your language and laughing like crazy while the fish swarm your feet. Now, of course most were drinking a beer, which makes it even more fun.

After that, my feet were so so smooth but they were still ugly. That's right I said it, my feet are pretty messed up, humbling at best. Just ask my pal and sports medicine podiatrist,

Dr. Lee Cohen,” those are some ugly feet”... and then he just laughs. Check out his amazing work at

Well, they are dancers feet, with bunions, hammer toes, calluses, and I was born with flat feet.

But I still love them. My ugly feet have taken me on some great journeys, so I have no complaints and I do take care of them.

I focus on getting them as strong as possible. I do almost everything barefoot, even working out, and it has made a huge difference. They may not be model feet but they feel good. Your feet are your foundation, your roots so you want them to be balanced and strong. I also focus on wearing the footwear that is right for my feet. I love shopping at John Fluevog (, where all of my funky shoes are from in case you are wondering. I can’t recommend them enough. They are so comfortable and unique.

Happy feet, happy day.

Check out what you can do at home today to get them feeling and looking even better...

Soak your feet in vinegar to relieve itchiness, smelliness, AND fatigued feet

Soak your feet in green tea if you’ve got blisters.

Use bread to remove calluses and corns

To relieve tendonitis, mix cayenne pepper and olive oil!

Treat cracked feet with avocado and banana!

Reduce odor with a homemade coconut-lime scrub.”

Be proud of those ugly feet my friends. It’s the amazing journey they are taking you on that really matters. Think of the stories you and your feet could tell. I choose to focus on where they're taking me next.

Have Fun.

Sandy Weston