The Cure for the Common Cold???

Hello, all my world travels.

My friends from around the globe.

I am finishing this blog while in Thailand. I have gained a whole new perspective on the word cure… healing. After visiting the Grand Palace, my eyes opened to health and well-being. But you will have to wait until I get back and have seen way more of this beautiful country for that blog. But I can tell you there is a lot of sneezing going on here. I am sure much of it is from all the jet lag and time changes.

You definitely have to step up all your prevention tips when traveling halfway around the world.

Besides trying to get enough sleep, drinking tons of water, eating well, and using hand sanitizer, there has to be some secrets to making sure your body stays healthy and ready to go.

One way is through essential oils. Some common oils are eucalyptus to ease a sore throat, or peppermint on the chest, even lavender to relax and get some sleep. They have essential oils all throughout the stores in Bangkok.

But back home in the USA, my pal, Suzanne Taylor, such a kind soul and a miracle worker, has some unique home remedies to put into action. Suzanne is a Holistic Healer working in New Jersey who specializes in essential oils. Check out some of her treatments for the common cold:

“Carom Seeds:

Wrap a tablespoon of carom seeds (crushed) in a cloth.Inhale it multiple times a day to open the blocked nose.

White Vinegar:

Take some oil in a pan. Saute minced onion in it. Add cornmeal and vinegar to prepare a paste. Tie this paste in a muslin cloth, and put it on your chest or throat. Cover with a blanket or towel. Keep it for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Indian Gooseberry:

In order to thwart recurrence of cold, mix ginger (½ tsp) with fresh Indian gooseberry juice (1 tbsp). It’s one of the most effective remedies to get rid of cold fast.


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Add 2 parts of dried chrysanthemum to boiling water. Pour it over 1 part of peppermint. Steep it for 5-7 minutes. Add brown sugar for taste.”

Thank you, Suzanne, such a wealth of knowledge. I never thought to use any of those. You can check out more about Suzanne and essential oils on her website,

Next up, Dr. Marc Legere. If you have never had a treatment from Dr. Marc, you are definitely missing out. His hands are magical and his knowledge of how to heal the human body is incredible. In a recent post, I talked about all of my go-to products to treat a cold. Well, my good friend Marc hit a couple of those right on the nose. You all know I love exercise and neti pots. Dr. Marc is a chiropractor that created the Patch Method. Here are his go-to ways to prevent a cold:

“Neti pot: Great for congestion and sore throat

Vitamin D3: We actually get sicker in the winter more than in the summer because we don't get out in the sun as much.  Taking D3 can help ramp up the immune system.

Exercise: If you can get the body temp up like a fever, it can kill off those bad bugs.  Just don't get too hot.  If you get above 104 some very bad stuff can happen like heat stroke.

Zinc: If taken in the first 24 hours can reduce the length and severity.”

Thank you so much, Marc.

Check out Dr. Marc and the Patch Method at

Well, that is all great stuff, but if you are like me you are all wondering what other countries do to treat and prevent a cold. There are a ton interesting ways.

Who loves eggnog? I sure do. Well, Gogol Mogol, Eastern Europe's version, is used as a defense against a sore throat, but it also helps you sleep. Now that one makes sense.

Hot Black Currant Juice from Finland is packed with antioxidants and vitamin C.

Kumquat Syrup in Taiwan and Chila is packed with vitamins, which is used to treat a sore throat.

What about some snail extract from Germany? No Snails were harmed in the making of this medicine, it is just the trail they leave behind. It is used to treat sore throats, or for skincare.

Haldi Ka Doodh in India really fights those sniffles. It has a large amount of antioxidant-rich turmeric, ginger, honey and black peppercorns. It works for the cold, indigestion, and even toothaches.

Looking for some remedies from here in the US? Well here is an interesting story:

“Florida resident Bill Thompson claims he hasn’t had a cold in more than 20 years. His secret? Every morning he fills his sink with diluted hydrogen peroxide, dunks his head in and blows bubbles through his nose. Sounds crazy, yes-but, Stone writes, hydrogen peroxide uncontroversially helps heal wounds by killing surrounding bacteria, and not a lot of research has been done on its other potential health benefits. Just be careful if you try it: concentrated hydrogen peroxide can be dangerous, and even diluted it can bleach your clothing and other materials; it also should not be ingested.”

That is all for now. I am sure I will have way more healing secrets when I finish my journey in Thailand.

Until next week, have fun and share some joy.


Sandy Weston