"Hey, I've Got Something to Say" 6.30.22

On this edition of "Hey, I've Got Something to Say", I was joined by Holly Copeland!

About Holly:

Holly Copeland, MA is a certified Human Potential coach and Biofield Tuning Practitioner, NeuroMeditation and Subtle Energy Meditation teacher, and Reiki Master. She teaches non-dual awareness and subtle energy meditation techniques and uses neurotechnology, Reiki and tuning forks in transformative quantum healing experiences and in her coaching work.

Holly's childhood passion for maps, the environment, technology and spirituality initially led her to a 25 year career as a conservation scientist mapping the Earth's ecosystems with GPS. Heartbroken by the state of the planet coupled with a personal health crisis, she set out on a new path of healing and transformation. She shifted her focus from exterior to interior and rewired her brain to a state of resilience and joy. ​

Founder of HeartMind Alchemy, and as a former scientist turned meditation teacher and coach, Holly unites ancient wisdom with modern science and harnesses modern technology and neuroscience to empower clients on their path to human flourishing and upgrading from “ordinary mind" to luminous awareness. She guides people out of the muddy waters of the thinking mind to live in flow joyfully and effortlessly from their own inner compass--their own stable ground of being.

Connect with Holly:

Holly's Website



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Sandy Weston