Start a Movement

Hello to all my friends from around the world.


What adventures have you been on… what new journey did you begin… What risk have you taken?? Tell me everything, I want to hear it all. I love listening to your stories.


As for me… I have been doing a lot of thinking and pondering lately about my next chapter in life. Where am I headed? I am fortunate enough to be traveling around the world as a motivational speaker and I have met some awesome people along the way. You can’t beat spreading joy, but there was something that was missing. I have had this desire for quite a while now to reach a larger audience and to reach people that do not already have an existing workout program.


Many of you know that I have been in the fitness industry for many many years. It has been so rewarding to see people workout, feel great, and reach their goals. To help people reach their full potential and put a smile on their face… well it just doesn't get any better than that. I love that feeling so much that I want to reach more people all over the world.


When I first had this idea, so many people said that it would be an uphill battle… it is like going into a war zone to try and get people to move. They just don't want to… they are too lazy. Well, I am sick and tired of hearing that. I don’t believe it. I think that many people just don’t know where to get started. There is so much information out there on what to do and when to do it that they get overwhelmed. Many also feel that if they do not have an hour to work out 5 times a week, then why even bother. We have that all-or-none mentality.


I know from personal experience how great I feel when I workout or move for just a few minutes. No matter what I do to move, I feel better mentally and physically. It has changed my life, my client’s lives, and now I want to spread that simple joy to the rest of the world. It is time to Start a Movement, and bring awareness to all the great things moving can do for your body and brain.


So… here we go!


I am starting a movement.  A movement in Me, in my Home, my Community, my Life, my WORLD!


Start a Movement is aimed at improving the mental and physical health of the world. The campaign is an AND to all other health and fitness programs - it is a launching point, but it starts with you.


WHY?  It is simple, I want to spread joy.

I am passionate about helping as many people as possible feel good and touch their lives with movement. I want to show you that all it takes is 1-3 minutes a day to change your body… your life in a positive way! It just takes a few moments each day to create a new habit - a positive habit - an amazing feeling that you can carry and draw on all throughout your day.

I want YOU to feel energized...  to realize that you are in charge of your life. I want you to realize that just by standing up and moving around for a few minutes, your whole perspective changes!

How? How do we, as leaders, start a movement?

By creating 30 second videos showing families, friends, co workers, and communities moving in a unique and fun way.


To spread the word, we will feature a different group each month on social media. That community, represented by you, will record a short clip of their group moving. It can be anyone, doing any type of movement. Let’s mix it up a little! Students, teachers, neighbors, a whole city… the opportunities are endless.


Here are some examples:

    • Dancing with your big family while making Sunday dinner.

    • Walking with a group up the stairs to work instead of taking the elevator.

    • A teacher and students doing a simple workout routine or dance.

    • Firemen training to stay in shape.

    • Your walking club walking the trails in the woods this weekend.

    • Playing with your kids at the park.

    • A dance routine you created with your community.

    • Working out in your office using furniture as equipment.

    • A routine you created for your hotel room.

    • How you exercise while doing chores.

    • Your fitness class doing yoga, zumba, piloxing, you name it!


I can’t wait to see what movement you come up with, and how you spread the joy! Please send videos to


A shift in their body + a shift in their minds = a shift in their lives.


Let’s start a movement in YOU and have so much fun.


A special shout out to Maia for getting the ball rolling. I just love seeing how much fun her and her family had while dancing. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Let loose, have fun, and don’t forget, above all, Start a Movement.


  • SJW

Sandy Weston