I Love Me

Who Who Do You Love… Who Do You Love...

I Love Me… I Love Me!!!

Selfless love starts with you. True love starts with you loving all of you… every bit of you. I mean all of it. The positive, the negative, the happy, the sad, the angry, the jealous, the kind, the bratty, the joyful you. When you can accept you are not perfect… and still feel you are worthy of all life’s gifts, that is when the Love will bounce off your body for all to see and benefit.

It is not selfish to take care of yourself and value your time and energy, it is down right giving.

For Love month I want you to spend time doing things for you. It is not about the jewelry, or the flowers or the candy or the dinners, although they are nice, it is about you with a big heart for all to see. I send you much love from my heart to yours and give you the gift of 3 wise ladies.

This week I talked to Elizabeth Juffs, a Life Coach from the United Kingdom, Erika Ianoale, the founder of Satya Juice, and Lisa Brill, the founder, artisan, and owner of Qet Botanicals. They have some great things to say about how to make this Valentine's Day all about YOU.

First up, Elizabeth Juffs. You can check out her website at http://www.elizabethjuffs.co.uk/about/. She is all about giving you the tools you need to make your life full and vibrant. I loved chatting with Elizabeth, and not just because she has a great accent but because she is brilliant loving women, making a true difference in people’s lives.

“Valentine’s Day. It's all about love. My question to you is: how much do you love yourself? Daft question? Probably not. Think about the safety checks on an airplane. What do they advise about the oxygen mask? The instruction is always to put it on yourself before helping others. This is a great analogy for life. If you don’t look after yourself, then how can you look after others? You may think you can. But this is unsustainable. In the short term, you will probably resent the time and energy it takes to reach out to others. In the long-term, you will burnout. Do you love yourself? No, it’s not selfish or arrogant. It’s simply allowing yourself to be as compassionate to yourself as you are to a good friend. When do you treat yourself with kindness? What would you be doing differently if you did? As we mature into fully-fledged adults we realize it is up to us to meet our own needs, rather than relying on others to do so. What needs do you have that you aren’t meeting? What will you change so you do? And in looking after yourself and really loving yourself, the funny thing is you become more ‘whole’ and more lovable too. Try it and see!”

It is that simple, allowing yourself to prioritize you. Put yourself first. That simple mindset change even if only a little bit can make a huge difference.

Erika, you are up girlfriend. Give them the lowdown on how to fuel their bodies. Erika is truly a talented, loving soul. You can feel her passion in every single juice.

“Satya Juice is a Re-awakening and Inspirement for our Health. Our name, Satya represents what our company embodies: Truthfulness, honesty, purity, support, wellness, ritual, holistic, giving back Our company was created out of a search for a holistic approach to a healthier lifestyle. As a brand, we wanted to stand up for what we believe in “it all starts with what we feed our bodies” Our ambition and passion is to help the world get healthier became an obsession and we won’t stop until everyone has access to feeling better. Satya’s Juice is hand-crafted with organic fruits, veggies, spices, herbs, superfoods, live enzymes, vitamins and minerals to heal, inspire, calm, nurture you, all graciously provided by mother nature. We provide cold-pressed juices, cleanses, boosts, superfood powders, kombucha for a healthy belly and seasonal wellness elixirs. We aim to make being healthy as convenient as possible and offer same day courier to your home/office or ship Fed Ex overnight, and we have created a Satya Method program that allows you to order juice weekly and save. The Satya Journey began in Thailand: 5 continents. 13 countries. 7 years. I was very fortunate to travel to many parts of the world but it wasn’t until I visited Thailand, that the journey truly began. The culture is born of the land and kept sacred, spiritual and vibrant. The beautiful live markets of fruits and veggies and the wisdom on the healing properties of their foods, I fell instantly in love. The Thais were the kindest and most gracious people I have ever encountered. It was beautiful and it changed me. The Thai’s essence of harmony, tradition, and wisdom… I wanted to bring Thailand home… Satya Giving Back Globally We believe education & healthy living is the ticket to our future. For every juice purchase, a percentage goes towards helping a young girl receive an education. ‘One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.” #malalafoundation Satya (sa-ti-ya) is Sanskrit for ‘truth’ – we stand for living well and honoring ourselves with organic and unprocessed foods’”

Her juices are truly amazing, so check them out (if you haven’t already) at http://satyajuice.com/.

Ok Lisa, your time is finally here. I could listen to Lisa all day long. I wish she lived a bit closer than Wisconsin. I am truly grateful for having met Lisa. We don’t speak often but when we do, I am blown away with her integrity and strength to put out a product she truly believes in. She is a truly patient person and will make no compromises for the short term benefit. Lisa is a rare and beautiful find, listen with an open heart.

She sells only 100% natural products from skincare to hair to bath melts. Check out Qet Botanicals here: https://qetbotanicals.com/. A great way to show yourself a little love this holiday is to take some time for yourself. Maybe with a bath? Here are Lisa’s benefits of taking a bath.

“1.  If you’re fighting a cold, it can help relieve the symptoms. The steam, heat, and warmth can help to elevate your body temperature, which can increase your immunity.

2.   Having trouble getting a good night’s rest? The slight increase in body temperature is just enough to trigger the 'time-to-sleep' hormones as the body temperature slowly cools.

3. Having the right kind of bath, at the right time of day, is actually scientifically proven to increase your mood! :) The combination of being comfortable, having alone time, being warm, and lying down in a horizontal position is proven to improve your mood. Who doesn't love that!  

All this can be done in just 10-15 minutes. Giving yourself this quiet time, and maybe even adding a little candlelight, will all add up to a healthy body and mind experience. It's a great way to give you and your body the little self-love and self-care we all deserve. If you can't find the time on your calendar, pencil it in. Your mind and body with thank you for it.”

Getting your head and body feeling relaxed is just what you need. But here are some other ways to show yourself a little love.

  1. Get some alone time. Step away from your work and your stressors and just take a walk, meditate, do whatever you do to destress. Clear your mind by giving it a rest from outside distractions and checking in with yourself.

  2. Catch up on some zzzs. Or at least a little relaxation in your bed. Maybe read a little more of your book when you first wake up, write in your journal, stay cozy for a little longer. You deserve it.

  3. Treat yourself. Make that mango avocado salsa with salmon. Make that baked ham with sweet potatoes and amazing roasted broccoli. Make that one thing you save for special occasions that take just a little longer to make than your normal weekday meal. Cozy up in front of the TV and binge your secret favorite TV show. Make a whole night for you.

  4. Have a spa day. Your body needs a little love too. Get some masks to try at home, or bath salts, or a leave in treatment for your hair. Break out the nail polish and the body lotion, this is your day.

  5. Work it out! Your body loves to move! Just a little bit. All I am saying is to move for 5 minutes. That is it. Getting your blood pumping will immediately make you feel better after sitting on the couch with a mask on, watching the Bachelor for 3 hours. This day is all about YOU!

Happy love month everyone. I hope you enjoy it.


Sandy Weston