Work It Out to Work It Off in the New Year

What’s up people,

Are you starting the year off fit and free?

Is this your year for health, happiness and true appreciation for who you truly are...right now in that incredible body?

I am amazed everyday with how much our bodies are capable of, and with just a little attention, what it can accomplish. Hey did you know that there are trillions of cells communicating with one another for our well being and joy? That is no less than a miracle.


What are you going to do to keep that miracle movin and groovin this year... because it loves to move and have fun.

And that should be easy this year because we are going old school.


That’s right baby, the 80’s are back so grab your Jane Fonda leg warmers and let’s get to it.


Here are some great fitness trends of 2017:


1. High Low Cardio Dance Aerobics

Get lost in the music and jump around... not even realizing you are getting in an awesome workout!


2.  Step classes

That's right, grab those benches and risers, it's time to Go Round the World. We're not just using them to run up and down on, although that is great, it is a party on a step.


3.  Obstacle Courses, inside and out

Not only are there tons of weekend challenges you can do but also fun workouts you can do on your own.


There are fitness classes that you can take that use all types of equipment to set up new creative workouts each week.


There are also groups that meet weekly to use the great outdoors and your body to rip that bod into shape, not to mention you can go out and play.

Whether you are looking for that next big trend or challenge, or just need to spice things up, look into these workouts in 2017. You will not be disappointed as long as you are having fun and it is what you want to do. There are so so many ways to move and be in shape.

Here is a list of some of my fav old-school workouts to checkout!


  • In the City:

    • 305 Fitness. If you are in NYC, Boston, DC you can’t go wrong. I have taken these classes and you won’t be disaponted.

  • On Your Own:

Step Aerobics:

  • In Philly:

    • If you are in Philadelphia come check out Weston Fitness! Yes I have to give my peeps props. I would love to have you. We have one of the best Step instructors in town, Kahree Steplight (yes that is his real name) who is a huge hit. Come and take a class, like the one at 12:00pm on Thursdays.

  • On Your Own:

  • Check out this video that is totally old-school, from Michael Carson.

  • This video is also a blast from the past, with StepSimply.


  • Go to Inside:

    • Again I have to give my peeps props. Check out Amy Fox, and her class at 12:00pm or 12:30pm on Tuesdays.

    • Check out this youtube video for an indoor challenge from PsycheTruth:

  • Go Outside:

    • Parkour is also very trendy. Platoon Fitness is a great place to get up and moving. They are located in Bryn Mawr and Philadelphia, PA so check them out.

    • Here is a great youtube video for working out outside, from Experience Life Magazine:

Here is a quote to get you inspired to get up and move from one of Weston Fitness’s top instructors, Joy Lagrimas!

“I believe that people starting a fitness program have to commit long term to see results. They should find a workout or exercise program that they really enjoy doing and will commit to. It can be as simple as a 30 minute workout 3x a week. As the endurance increases, turn it up a bit and add another day or a weight training class or add a totally different type of class into your routine. Fitness doesn't have to be boring or painful, it can be fun and invigorating.”

Happy Happy New Year and have a great time getting fit!


Sandy Weston