5 Ways to Vote… Vote for the V

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Hello my dear friends,

The night is finally here… and I don't mean Halloween eve... Yes I mean Election eve. Will tomorrow end up being a trick or treat for your community, your home… or our World? Well I hope it is everything you do want. You know... at least one or two of your absolute favorites elected, surrounded by others that will figure out how to fulfill your needs. This leads me to our next new segment all about what is happening in our lives right now.

That's right I am talking politics and how to highlight the good in all we get. I know for many, this has been a long, tough year... and for others, downright frightening. The best thing you can do is talk about what you do want and get out there and get involved. And for Pete's sake… vote your conscious - your values. And that starts with believing in yourself.

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. – E.E. Cummings

I just love that quote… believing in yourself can unlock a world of unbelievable things... but how do we learn to really truly believe in ourselves? Well sit down and write it out... what do you really believe, and what do you want to accomplish? Then cut out the distractions and the gossip. Weed through to what is important to you and then come from a place of love and power when standing up for your values. But Sandy, Sandy, Sandy… how do you come from a place of love and power? Well look no further…

  1. Be kind to others. If you are kind, and truly listen to other people’s points of view, they are more likely to listen to you in return. Remember that every single person has feelings and their own values they are just trying to stand up for as well, even if it just seems like they are not.

  2. Ask yourself... is this in line with my true values? Ask yourself this question continuously… all of the time. If you get into that habit, than you will be less likely veer off path. You will form better relationships with others, and yourself.

  3. Be confident in yourself and portray that… that’s right, sit up straight! Posture and body language is extremely important in showing how you really feel and where your values and priorities lie. Exude confidence, and others will respect your opinion.

  4. Take responsibility for what happened. Sometimes, even if you are on the path and staying true to your values, you make a mistake or someone gets hurt because of it. Just say sorry. You aren’t perfect... you’re amazing.

  5. Stay positive. The best medicine is laughter, and you make more friends with it as well. Laugh it out and don’t make such a big hairy deal about things.

I bet if we all came from a positive place we would freaking rock the world. You know what else will help you stay on a positive path? Scribble Scrabble! (Or the book of the month). This month’s scribble scrabble is so fantastic and quick that you will not be able to put it down. Check it out here http://www.sandyjoyweston.com/book-of-the-month/.

And no matter what you do... Vote.

The V is for Victory!

  • SJW

Sandy Weston